Sonic Outings in Real Space

51. August 30th, 1997 - Indianapolis, IN. CD release party at John Stoelting's house.

50. July 17th, 1997 - Columbus, OH. with Bethany Curve, Autumn, and Lycia.

49. June 21st, 1997 - Spacerock Fest in Columbus, OH. With Andromeda and many others.

48. April 17th, 1997 - Missing Link Records, 828 Broad Ripple Ave, Indianapolis, IN. FREE!! Possibly with Tombstone Valentine. 9:30

47. April 12th, 1997 - A-1 Records, 8th and central, Anderson, IN. Spacerock fest with Andromeda, Black Olive, Dilauded, Gossamer, the M-Birds, and Smitten. DJ's all night long 6pm, $6 for bands or DJ's, $10 for bands AND dj's.

46. April 4th, 1997 - Smedley's Dream, 1525 east Prospect, Indianapolis, IN. 8pm, $2.

45. February 22th, 1997 - A-1 Records, 8th and central, Anderson, IN. With the StonePickers. 8pm, $3.

44. February 15th, 1997 - Basement Birthday Party, Columbus, OH. W/ Gossamer acoustic.

43. February 14th, 1997 - Kenyon College, Gambier, OH. With some other bands. Don't know full details.

42. February 13th, 1997 - Estrada's, Columbus, OH. With Gossamer.

41. January 24th, 1997 - Smedley's Dream, 1525 east prospect, Indianapolis. 8PM, FREE.

40. December 7th, 1996 - Smedley's Dream, 1525 east prospect, Indianapolis. 8PM, FREE.

39. December 6th, 1996 - A-1 Records, Anderson, IN. W/ Black Olive and Mindline. $3

38. November 2nd, 1996 - WICR 88.7 FM, Indianapolis. 12 Midnight. Live on the air.

37. November 1st, 1996 - A-1 Records, Anderson, IN. W/ Black Olive and Slip. 8PM, $3.

36. October 27th, 1996 - Modern Times Bookstore, 54th and College, Indianapolis. 3PM, Free.

35. October 26th, 1996 - Music Go Round. 86th and Keystone, Indianapolis. 4 PM. Free.

34. October 1st, 1996 - J.C. Bistro, Indianapolis. W/ Turnstyle and Black Olive.

33. September 29th, 1996 - Modern Times Bookstore. 54th & College. All day event, starts at 1PM. w/ many other bands.

32. September 28th, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. 1525 east prospect, Indianapolis, IN. 8PM free.

31. September 14th, 1996 - Ernie's Backyard, Bloomington, IN. w/ Turnstyle, Black Olive, and The Mergrins.

30. August 31st, 1996 - Rhino's in Bloomington, IN. Located between 2.d and 3rd on Walnut. With Mahogany and Black Olive.

29. August 25th, 1996 - Modern Times Bookstore. 54th and College, Indianapolis. 3pm (Afternoon show). Free.

28. August 16th, 1996 - A-1 Records, 8th & Central, Anderson, IN. With Black Olive and Butterfly Effect. 7:30

27. August 4th, 1996 - Broad Ripple garage Sale, Indianapolis.

26. August 3rd, 1996 - A-1 Records, 8th & Central, Anderson, IN. The Sunflower Conspiracy, The Mergrins, and Balloon Guy.

25. August 2nd, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. 1525 east prospect. Indianapolis.

24. July 5th, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. 1525 east Prospect. Indianapolis. Show starts at 8 and is free.

23. June 22nd, 1996 - A-1 Records, Anderson. With The Mergrins, and Black Olive.

22. June 1st, 1996 - The Village Idiot. 6360 N. Guilford, Indianapolis. 8 pm. $2 or less.

21. May 25th, 1996 - A-1 Records. 8th and Central, Anderson, IN. With Black Olive and The Mergrins. 8pm. $3.

20. May 3rd, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. 1525 east Prospect. Indianapolis. 8 pm. Free. Yep, Smedley's is fun.

19. April 27th, 1996 - Great Times funpark (or something). Emerson and 465 south.

18. April 26th, 1996 - The New Sitcom. 46th and College. Indianapolis. With Black Olive, and The Living Daylights.

17. April 14th, 1996 - Party at Tim D's house. If you really want to go, contact us.

16. April 13th, 1996 - A Battle of the Bands type show in Indianapolis. I don't have all the info yet, but it's going to be at Fountain Square Theater.

15. April 12th, 1996 - The Village Idiot coffeehouse. 6360 Guilford Ave. Indianapolis. 8 pm. $2. A small but nice place to see a show.

14. April 11th, 1996 - Utrillo's Gallery. 2630 east 10th St. Indianapolis. Tape Release Party!

13. March 30th, 1996 - Collins Cheshire Coffee House. Bloomington, IN. With Black Olive.

12. March 23rd, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. 1525 east Prospect. Indianapolis, IN. 8 PM. Free.

11. March 9th, 1996 - Emerson Theater. Indianapolis. 8pm. With Drywall and another TBA.

10. March 2nd, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. Indianapolis. 8 pm.

9. March 1st, 1996 - The Village Idiot. Broad Ripple, Indianapolis, IN. 8 pm.

8. February 17th, 1996 - Cafe Eclectic. South Bend.

7. February 10th, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. Indianapolis. Fountain Square area. Show starts at 8 pm. It's free, too.

6. January 26th, 1996 - Smedley's Dream. Free show. 8 pm.

5. January 19th, 1996 - The Village Idiot coffeehouse. Broad Ripple, Indianapolis. Starts at 8 pm.

4. January 12th, 1996 - The Emerson Theater, Indianapolis. 8:00 pm. with Puppet and The Mergrins. The Emerson is located at E.10th and N. Bosart in Indianapolis.

3. December 31st, 1995 - New Year's Eve show at Nadia's house (a.k.a. woodland place) in Indianapolis.

2. November 18th, 1995 - Ben's basement. Open practice with short show at the beginning.

1. November 4th, 1995 - WICR, Indianapolis; 88.7. The Free Zone. We will be playing LIVE on the air Saturday night/Sunday morning at Midnight.

0. September 1st, 1995 - Ben's Basement. This is not really and show, but more like an open practice/party at Ben's house.

[ben | soh.cah.toa | The Sunflower Conspiracy]
Last Modified June 24, 1997